The Christian Inter-Fellowship Council (CIFC) is a fully student-run Christian organization at NYU. The CIFC exists to serve all 40+ Christian fellowships and clubs on campus. We strive to unify the body of Christ at NYU in all of its diversity without regard to denominational, ethnic, or racial affiliation, and to engage the campus with Jesus’ message of love, salvation, and repentance. The CIFC’s vision is to bring revival to NYU campus by deepening personal Faith, spreading God’s Love, and fostering Christian Unity. Members of the CIFC also serve on the Agape Week Planning Committee.
Mission Statement:
to glorify God.
Core Values:
At CIFC we are driven by faith in a God who has the biggest heart for our campus and our city. Pressing firmly into the words of Matthew 18:19-20, whenever we gather together in prayer, worship, fellowship or outreach, we believe that the presence of Holy Spirit shows up in a big way - filling the space and seeking every heart to ultimately reach our campus and transform the lives of those around us. We hold fast to the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus Christ as an anchor for our faith, and we know that a community of believers of one faith and one accord opens the way for God to move mightily in our lives and in our generation. Everything we do and every decision we make here at CIFC is lead by faith and prayer.
At CIFC, love ultimately motivates all that we do and every conversation that we have on our campus. We want to hold space for multiple experiences, whether in the church, in Christian community, or beyond, and we dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to meeting people where they are in their journey with God, as the Lord first did for us. We believe that God’s love does not discriminate or demand certain criteria of us first, whether in identity or in experiences. Instead, we believe that often praying together and holding healing conversations about how God is moving in the world and in our lives, and about the doubts that we sometimes face as human beings, are not only opportunities to encourage one another in love in our individual journeys, but they are also opportunities to recognize others’ humanity and very real challenges. From these intentional times of prayer and deep conversation, the culture of CIFC always embraces the opportunity to come alongside others as a community, to overcome them.
Finally, at CIFC, we believe that everything we are after ties together in a lasting bond of unity in the Spirit - long after we have graduated, left our campus or moved on. Following the wisdom of Ephesians 4:1-3, we believe that ‘the bond of peace’ we are running after, across all Christian groups and ministries, ages, ethnicities, experiences, and levels of faith can only begin to be achieved through the pillars of this verse. When we call on the power of Holy Spirit to unite us across our fears and doubts, as well as recognize our unique strengths, weaknesses, and giftings, we know that the mission God has for each of us for His Kingdom will always supersede any disagreements or divisions we face. The One who made us has the power to use us in full, and we recognize that prophetic words and visions from God have the absolute power to bless and to encourage individuals in their faith walks, as well as encourage those alongside them. Unity is the foundation stone that we believe enables the legacy of CIFC and God’s heart for a unified body of believers on our campus to last.