Arepa - Lau Guzmán from Navigators
Total Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Number of People Serves: 4 People
Origin of the dish: Colombian/Venezuelan
Allergens: dairy (but can be made without)
Estimated Cost: $15
2 & ½ cups lukewarm water
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon garlic
1 teaspoon sugar
2 cups pre-cooked corn meal (harinapan is most common)
¼ cup butter/margarine
¼ cup cheese, grated
toppings of choice (usually chicken and avocado, but can be beans, or meat, or anything, really)
Stir water, salt, garlic, sugar, and butter/margarine together in a bowl. Gradually stir corn meal into water with your fingers until mixture forms a soft, moist, malleable dough.
Divide dough into 8 golf ball-size balls and pat each one into a patty about 2 cm (1/2 inch) thick.
Make a dent in the center of the ball, and stuff the dent with cheese. Fold the edges of the dough over the dent and flatten and round the patty until the shape of a puck.
Heat a skillet over medium heat until shimmering. Working in batches, cook arepas until golden brown, 4 to 5 minutes per side. Transfer cooked arepas to a paper towel-lined plate until cool enough to handle.
Slice halfway through each cake horizontally with a thin serrated knife to form a pita-like pocket. Fill with your favorite toppings (usually chicken and avocado, but can be whatever you like :)
Why do you love this dish?
This is my go-to meal at home. I have it plain as breakfast, or as a side dish for lunch or dinner. It's delicious!