Christian Inter-Fellowship Council

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A Personal Letter: To All Incoming Students


First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! Earning a place in this community full of brilliant and talented people is no small achievement. Right now, you are probably super proud of your accomplishments and excited about what God has in store for you the next few years; you may also be curious about what the Christian community looks like at NYU and afraid of not being able to find a close group of Christian friends or a church that perfectly fits you. All these feelings are valid; I had the exact same feelings a year ago.

I am from China and went to a Christian high school in Pennsylvania; that’s where I met God. My understanding and perception of American culture at that time was entirely through this narrow Christian lens and I didn't know what to expect outside of this small Christian bubble. I was so scared that I would lose my sight of God once I walked outside into a secular world. I questioned whether NYU was the best choice for me and even doubted that my relationship with God was strong enough to survive more than a month at NYU. However, time has proven His was right about His plan, again.

Once you set foot in Washington Square Park, you will notice the diversity, one of the most defining characteristics of NYU and something every Violet takes pride in. My fellow brothers and sisters in Christ here at NYU are from Korea, Hungary, Kenya, China, Australia, and anywhere in between. Although we come from different families and backgrounds, we all have one goal in mind: to glorify God. I can’t describe how much blessing, support, and joy they have brought in my life and am beyond excited to welcome you to our big family.

At NYU, we truly believe that the free exchange of opinions and cultures is the foundation of our community. You will engage as equals in conversations regarding faith with people from all religious and cultural backgrounds. These conversations will deepen your understanding of why other people believe what they believe, and will challenge you to explore and maybe even question your own faith in God. Yet, I can assure you that at the end of the day, you will be closer to God than ever before. 

If someone had told me a year ago this was what my first year would be like, I would’ve laughed at them. There were just so many wonderful things that happened the past year that I couldn’t have anticipated. What God has been doing here at NYU is mind-blowing. I can’t wait to have you to be part of it. See you in September!

Love in christ,

Yijia Chen

CIFC President 20’, 21’